The Hill Country Chorus is a Barbershop Harmony chorus located in New Braunfels, TX. We are members of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Our goal is to give people of all ages a chance to improve their singing skills, have fun, make new friends and provide service to the tri-county communities. We welcome anyone who likes to sing, regardless of your skill level.
Come join us
We rehearse on Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM in the First Protestant Church choir room. The church is located at 172 W. Coll St, New Braunfels, TX. Click here for a map Enter through the double glass doors facing Seguin St. Turn right to stairs/elevator, go to 2nd floor.
Upcoming Events
Hill Country Chorus Annual Show
Our 2025 Annual Show is on hold. As circumstances allow we will revisit the matter. Watch this space for updates.
Singing Valentines
Say 'I Love You' with a unique and memorable experience!
Have a Barbershop Quartet personally deliver your heartfelt sentiment in a song.
Many of our fellow Barbershop Harmony chapters in the area will be providing Singing Valentines on Feb. 14th. Contact us and we will make the arrangements.